
Pastors & Elders

Jeff Aenk

lead Pastor

I was a broken life that Jesus has transformed, and continues to transform. If He can change my life, then He can change anyone's life, and I have to tell everyone about him! This is My Life Mission, Passion, & Calling - as well as our Churches - To Transform Broken Lives Through Christ's Love! As I let the LOVE of Jesus flow through me to others, His Love cleans & transforms me in the process!
I am the most blessed man on earth to get to Love & Serve Jesus & Others in His name, with the most Wonderful People on Planet Earth at New Hope!!!

I LOVE Jesus!
I LOVE People!
I LOVE My Beautiful Wife Julie!
I LOVE My Kids & Grandkids!
I LOVE New Hope!

I also LOVE:
Disc Golf
4 Wheeling
Taking My Wife on Dates
& Long Walks on the Beach (LOL!)

Jerry Koon Jr.

Associate Pastor

Harold Velasquez 

Worship Pastor

Harold Velasquez is a visionary leader with a heartfelt passion for evangelism. He currently serves as a worship Pastor at New Hope Christian Church. His many years of ministry experience as Pastor, Evangelist, Writer, Musician, Television Producer, and former Vice President at Promise Keepers, have allowed him the opportunity to impact a countless number of lives for Christ, all around the world.   He and his wife Joyce have been married 49 years and reside in Denver, Colorado.  They have 3 grown daughters and 8 grandchildren.

Kendall Sullivan
